Restructuring of Visible Youth
- June 19, 2019
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Theobald Associates is pleased to announce the successful completion of the share restructuring of Visible Youth Limited, a UK based skin care company, as part of a Plan of Reorganisation, Liquidation and Dissolution of its former parent Company Enhance Skin Products Inc. The share restructuring was required to distribute the shares in Visible Youth Limited to Enhance shareholders based on the same ratio currently held by each shareholder in Enhance shares. Further details can be found at: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/05/22/1840868/0/en/Enhance-Skin-Products-Inc-Announces-Settlement-of-its-dispute-with-Integumen-Inc-and-its-proposal-to-complete-its-plan-of-reorganisation-liquidation-and-dissolution.html